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ETH Draws BNB Draws POL Draws FMC Draws

Chrysanthemum Draw

Up to POL in Prizes

1st Prize: POL
2nd Prize: POL
3rd Prize: POL
Draw Date: When Sold Out*
NFT Price: POL
NFTs Remaining:

By entering this draw you accept all our terms and conditions.

*The draw will automatically take place once all the entries have been sold.

Please note: The entries/NFTs issued are non-transferable and unsalable.

Draw Code: 03-01-0001

Buttercup Draw

Up to POL in Prizes

1st Prize: POL
2nd Prize: POL
3rd Prize: POL
Draw Date: When Sold Out*
NFT Price: POL
NFTs Remaining:

By entering this draw you accept all our terms and conditions.

*The draw will automatically take place once all the entries have been sold.

Please note: The entries/NFTs issued are non-transferable and unsalable.

Draw Code: 03-02-0001

Crocus Draw

Up to POL in Prizes

1st Prize: POL
2nd Prize: POL
3rd Prize: POL
Draw Date: When Sold Out*
NFT Price: POL
NFTs Remaining:

By entering this draw you accept all our terms and conditions.

*The draw will automatically take place once all the entries have been sold.

Please note: The entries/NFTs issued are non-transferable and unsalable.

Draw Code: 03-03-0001

Primrose Draw

Up to POL in Prizes

1st Prize: POL
2nd Prize: POL
3rd Prize: POL
Draw Date: When Sold Out*
NFT Price: POL
NFTs Remaining:

By entering this draw you accept all our terms and conditions.

*The draw will automatically take place once all the entries have been sold.

Please note: The entries/NFTs issued are non-transferable and unsalable.

Draw Code: 03-04-0001

Jasmine Draw

Up to POL in Prizes

1st Prize: POL
2nd Prize: POL
3rd Prize: POL
Draw Date: When Sold Out*
NFT Price: POL
NFTs Remaining:

By entering this draw you accept all our terms and conditions.

*The draw will automatically take place once all the entries have been sold.

Please note: The entries/NFTs issued are non-transferable and unsalable.

Draw Code: 03-05-0001

Daffodil Draw

Up to POL in Prizes

1st Prize: POL
2nd Prize: POL
3rd Prize: POL
Draw Date: When Sold Out*
NFT Price: POL
NFTs Remaining:

By entering this draw you accept all our terms and conditions.

*The draw will automatically take place once all the entries have been sold.

Please note: The entries/NFTs issued are non-transferable and unsalable.

Draw Code: 03-06-0001

Marigold Draw

Up to POL in Prizes

1st Prize: POL
2nd Prize: POL
3rd Prize: POL
Draw Date: When Sold Out*
NFT Price: POL
NFTs Remaining:

By entering this draw you accept all our terms and conditions.

*The draw will automatically take place once all the entries have been sold.

Please note: The entries/NFTs issued are non-transferable and unsalable.

Draw Code: 03-07-0001

Pansy Draw

Up to POL in Prizes

1st Prize: POL
2nd Prize: POL
3rd Prize: POL
Draw Date: When Sold Out*
NFT Price: POL
NFTs Remaining:

By entering this draw you accept all our terms and conditions.

*The draw will automatically take place once all the entries have been sold.

Please note: The entries/NFTs issued are non-transferable and unsalable.

Draw Code: 03-08-0001